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Different But The Same

Suitable for: EYFS / KS1

Duration: 20 minutes

This assembly is designed to help children appreciate the beauty in diversity.  Children are introduced to and will be encouraged to talk about:


  • Different religions, cultural practices and races:  what makes diversity so special. 

  • Equality and inclusion, including conversations about different communities, physical abilities and skin colour: the importance of treating everybody fairly.

  • Racism: what it means and what it can look like. In an age appropriate way, the children will think about how it would feel to be a victim of racism, and who to talk to if they witness / experience racism.


By the end of the session, children should begin to recognise that whilst people may have differences, everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and respect.

Get Up, Stand Up! Lower KS2

Suitable for: Year 3 and Year 4

Duration: 45 minutes

Through a range of engaging activities and stories, this assembly explores equality, fairness and prejudice. In an age appropriate way, children will begin to explore:


  • What is right and what is wrong

  • Our rights and responsibilities as human beings

  • Vocabulary around equality, in particular discrimination, prejudice and racism.

  • Different communities in Britain, discussing the importance of treating everybody fairly regardless of who they are, what language they speak and what they look like.

  • Age appropriate examples and stories of racism, encouraging children to think about why it is wrong and how it may make a victim feel. 


By the end of the session, children will have the skills and knowledge to not only challenge racism, but stand up for themselves and for others.



Get Up, Stand Up! Upper KS2

Suitable for: Year 5 and Year 6 

Format: Assembly
Duration: 60 minutes


This session is designed to help children develop a deeper understanding of discrimination and its consequences. Through a range of interactive activities and stories, children will explore:

  • What racism is and what it looks like

  • The impact of racism on its victims

  • Racism and language

  • Racism on social media

  • Racism through History: Slavery, the Holocaust and Civil Rights movements across the world

  • Human Rights, the children are encouraged to think about what Human Rights are and whether they should ever be denied. The children will then be introduced to the idea of anti-racism as a human right.


Through group discussions and team-work, this session focuses on the impact discrimination has on individuals and communities and emphasises the importance of being an anti-racist ally.



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