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Parent Workshops

The conversations that we have within our communities are very important. Our parent package comprises three anti-racism webinars that can be booked by schools and colleges. Parents and guardians can join these sessions remotely – making it easier for the wider community to be involved. 


Let's Talk about Racism

Week 1
Getting the conversation started can be the hardest part. In this session, we look at child-friendly ways to talk about racism. We address the difficult questions that children ask and the answers you can give. By the end of the session, attendees will have the knowledge and confidence to use the right vocabulary, say the right thing and move the conversation forward. 

Let's Talk about Inclusion

Week 2
In this session, parents and carers are encouraged to consider diversity, inclusion and belonging at home. We will look at books, activities and tips that can be used to empower your children to love themselves and value others.

Let's Talk about Empowerment

Week 3

The final of our three workshops, this week we learn how to deal with racist incidents. What do you do if your child is the victim? What do you do if your child is the perpetrator? Together we will learn how to empower your child to establish boundaries, report bullying, authentically apologise,  safely stand up for others and for themselves


Ivy, Parent

Thank you so much ARISE. I wish there was something like this when I was at school

Andrew, Parent

Thank you so much. I wanted to have a conversation with my son about racist language and had no idea where to start. I really feel like I know what I'm doing now

Priya, Parent

I am so glad we're having these conversation. When you become a parent, there's no guidebook so it's really useful and important to have help like this. Thanks again.

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